Treatment of Minor Burns

1. Administer first aid to treat your injury. First degree and second degree burns that are fewer than three inches in diameter are generally considered minor burns.[1] These types of burns usually heal quickly with minimal care. Follow these steps to administer first-aid for minor burns. 2.
Cool the burned area. Run cool (not cold) water over the area for 10 to 15 minutes.[1] Immerse the burn in cool water if running water is not available. Do not put ice directly on the burn, as this can cause further damage to the skin. 3. Do not put on a bandage. Bandages will cut off air, making the wound take longer to heal. 4. Take an analgesic (pain reliever). Any of the common over-the-counter pain relievers will work. These include aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen or naproxen. 5. Wrap the wounded area loosely with clean dry gauze. The gauze protects the burn from air, debris, dirt and contamination. Use a non-stick dressing to prevent sticking to the injury on a second-degree burn. You should change the dressing every day, wash the wound gently and reapply lotion or aloe as needed to prevent infection. Wash your hands before treating the burn. 6. Look out for signs of infection. Infection is uncommon with burns of this type, but is possible if blisters occur.

2 yorum:

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